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Table 1 Livers used for NOS Western blots. Characteristics of normal and two types of portal hypertensive rats whose livers were used for the detection of NOS isoforms by Western blot in Fig. 2. Data are expressed as mean (SD).

From: Low NO bioavailability in CCl4cirrhotic rat livers might result from low NO synthesis combined with decreased superoxide dismutase activity allowing superoxide-mediated NO breakdown: A comparison of two portal hypertensive rat models with healthy controls




CCl4 cirrhosis


(n = 14)

(n = 6)

(n = 11)

Body weight (g)

478 (82)

360 (27)**

520 (70)

Liver weight (g)

15.4 (3.4)

10.3 (2.0)**

15.8 (6.0)

PVP (mm Hg)

8.1 (1.9)

11.3 (1.7)*

14.5 (2.7)**

  1. * p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01 as compared to normal group. PPVL: partial portal vein ligation (= model of prehepatic portal hypertension). PVP: portal venous pressure. CCl4 cirrhosis: carbon tetrachloride induced cirrhosis.